Natural honey or raw honey is defined as summer products of honeybees that extract flower nectar and honeydew; in contrast to edible honey production process in modern industry, humans provide water and sugar as the main source of energy consumption for honeybees. In fact, the health benefits of natural honey are much more than the ones of processed honey.
Honey has long been used for medicinal purposes. Due to honey antibacterial effects, honey can be consumed to solve many problems including wound, inflammation, infection, stomach or gastric ulcer, etc.
Honey contains the basic requirements of body metabolism water, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Pinocembrin, an antioxidant in honey, plays an effective role in improving human brain function. Some studies on health benefits of honey suggest that natural honey consumption helps in reducing the effects of seasonal allergies and some others indicate that honey can be useful for healing wounds.
Benefits of Honey
Reducing Seasonal AllergiesPeople with seasonal allergies can consume a teaspoon of honey, as an anti-allergic drug, for pollen allergy since honey effects are similar to the ones of antihistamines.
Reducing Cold and Cough SymptomA 2012 study indicated that the effects of honey in reducing children coughs at night are much more than the ones of chemical drugs; moreover, honey is also a natural sore throats and coughs remedy to the point that some people believe honey functions better than OTC (over the counter) medicines.
Detoxing Internal ParasitesIn case of any internal parasite, consuming a homogeneous mixture of honey, vinegar, and water is useful.
Healing Wounds and ScarsA 2017 research indicated that Defensin, a protein in honey, helps in healing wounds.
Preventing Acid RefluxA 2017 study showed that daily honey consumption reduces acid reflux caused by undigested food. Upward of stomach acid flow can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can include inflammation, acid reflux, and heartburn.
Treating InfectionsA 2018 study indicated that natural honey consumption can remove bacteria due to honey defensins and hydrogen peroxides. The researchers found that the antibacterial effects of natural honey can be much more than ones of processed honey.
Improving Skin HealthMost body lotions and cosmetic creams contain honey because honey is effective in treating skin diseases and allergies. Honey consumption is useful for skin beauty.
Healing WoundsOne of the most well-known honey benefits is treating skin infections. According to the related studies, researchers have found that honey consumption helps in healing wounds due to its antimicrobial effects.
Treating Skin CancerSome evidence suggest that honey consumption can be helpful for treating skin and other cancers. More studies have been conducted on honey role in reducing the growth speed and reproduction of cancer cells. In case of any skin cancer, consultation with a doctor on honey consumption is necessary. It is not recommended to consume honey alone for skin cancer, but people can use honey in addition to other medicines to see better results.
Some Honey Benefits in Improving and Treating Skin
- A part of daily skin routine
- Helping in eczema treatment
- Moisturizing skin
- Helping in healing scars or scrapes
- Making skin fresh and younger
Side Effects of Honey on Skin
People with allergic reactions to honey and pollen should avoid topical application of honey. Before topical application of honey, make sure you are not allergic to honey by testing it on a small part of your skin. Make sure there is no honey on your skin before going to bed; if it is so, wash off your face completely.
A research in 2012 shows that honey is useful for treatment of a wide range of the following diseases; however, more studies on some of them are still required to conducted.
- Hiccups
- Eczema and Dermatitis
- Tooth Extraction Pain in Children Above 1 Year Old
- Stress
- Ulcers
- Scars and Wounds
- Weakness
- Vomiting
- Sleep Disorders
- Frequent Urination
- High Blood Pressure
- Vision Problems
- halitosis
- Obesity
- Diarrhea and dysentery
- Jaundice
- Arthritis
- Skin Problems
Dangers of Excessive Honey Consumption
Honey consists primarily of sugar; hence, it must be consumed sparingly. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommendation for daily intake of sure is less than 100 calories (6 teaspoons of honey) for women and less than 150 calories (9 teaspoons of honey) for men. In fact, people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should be more careful about sugar intake than others; and it is better for them to consult with their doctor in this regard.
In ConclusionHoney has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that make it useful for treating various skin problems. Natural honey consumption will be effective in treating many diseases; and it is more useful than processed honey. As a result, make sure than you buy natural and high-quality honey since it has a greater effect on curing and improving diseases.